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Long-Lasting impact for your organization and life-changing impact for your community.

We help Jewish organizations across North America and Israel implement deep, long-lasting changes in how they operate, communicate, market, and achieve their goals online

The Leading Digital Marketing Consulting Firm For Jewish Community Organizations

“Our marketing isn’t working! We want to post more consistently on social media and see results! We want more people subscribed to our email list and read each newsletter! We want to run Facebook Ads successfully! We want to have more online engagement and reach! If we can figure this stuff out, we’re sure our organization will grow faster and have a bigger digital impact.”


We’ve heard this sentiment more times than we can count over the five years we’ve worked exclusively with the Jewish community.


And we get it: You want more members and donors, to have a tremendous impact on your community, and to have a clear vision for how to digitally make it all happen.


Here’s the good news: You're already doing an amazing job. Your community members love you and support you and your existence makes a huge difference. But you already know that, right?

Here’s the truth, though (and deep down, you know this): Your potential as an organization is much, much greater.

You just exhausted your word-of-mouth reach and don’t know how to expand it with the current digital tools, systems, and strategies you’re using (or, lack thereof).


By partnering with Infinitude, you will digitally grow your organization, dial in your online communications, make your internal marketing seamless, and become an unstoppable community leader suited for the 21st century.

What We Offer

Each organization is in need of something different. Below, you'll see the main ways we partner with and support our clients to ensure they reach the goals they desire.

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It's Time To Jump Higher In A Digital Era

We help Jewish organizations achieve more internally and externally by analyzing your current digital ecosystem, designing and implementing custom strategies tailored to your goals, creating detailed reports to better understand your digital performance, and supporting your staff in mastering modern marketing skills to reach your goals faster.

The Infinitude Values

Did you know that Infinitude is a real word? (Nope, it's not just "infinite" and "attitude" blended together.)  Infinitude is "the state or quality of being infinite or having no limit". This concept is inherent to who we are and what we believe is possible for our clients.

Our First Value Is You - Jewish organizations have so much untapped potential to reach and engage more constituents, make a difference in their communities, and turn into impact-driven leaders and changemakers. We know that from being a part of the Jewish community and experiencing the impact firsthand.


This is why our first value is to put you and your goals first because we know with the right focus and strategy, you will get there much faster.

Our Second Value Is Systems & Data - You can't improve anything if you don't know how to track and measure its success. We put data-driven systems at the forefront of what we do because it's the fastest and most efficient way for you to achieve your goals. 

Our Third Value Is Confident & Consistent Leadership - Raise your hand if your organization has experienced internal communication struggles, high staff turnover, and frustration around the topic of who's doing what and how they're doing it. Yup, that's what we thought!


An organization can only succeed if its team members are operating with essential daily habits, many of which are digital. To maximize efficiency, organization, communication, and teamwork, digital systems - or what we call Standard Operating Procedures - are crucial.
This is why we prioritize supporting your team by listening, strategizing, training, and implementing digital systems to help you better work together and grow together. 

Clients Include

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Our Process: The Digital Jump

When we work with our clients, we focus on the three core digital layers of your organization: What your community members see from the outside, how your team operates from the inside, and the core values and goals your organization is working toward as a cohesive, streamlined unit. Together, we analyze these layers from the top down and then fix them from the bottom up. This is a deep, analytical, creative, and transformative process that puts your organization in a place for long-term growth, purpose, and impact.


The Top Layer: What Your Community Sees

Your community sees your social media content, email communications, website, and online advertisements.  But are these assets having the effect you desire? This is what we quickly identify and solve to ensure that you're engaging with new potential members, deepening relationships and brand trust with existing ones, and pushing your organization forward in a powerful way.


The Middle Layer: What Your Team Sees

The middle layer is what your staff is experiencing internally. For example, how they're communicating with one another online, how you're using your CRM effectively, how your digital tools are integrated, and how you're implementing a data-first digital strategy. We help you examine your internal digital landscape and optimize it in its entirety so that your team can work better and smarter online.


The Bottom Layer: What You See In Your Future

We often find that the digital potholes, inconsistencies, and inefficiencies that are holding you back are not just because of a lack of skillset or strategy. It often lies in a lack of a cohesive organizational vision and brand identity. What is your organization working toward in the next year to five years? What are your specific goals and what is your precise plan for achieving them? We help your team gain this clarity and confidence as trusted partners.

About Us

Eliav Perez opened Infinitude in 2016 with a mission to help both private and public sector organizations improve their marketing and digital systems so that they can seamlessly attract and convert more leads. In 2019, he decided to give back to the community that was always there for him and his family: their Jewish community. With a realization that Federations, synagogues, day schools, summer camps, and youth programs often struggle with navigating the modern digital landscape, Eliav dedicated Infinitude to exclusively work with the Jewish world. 


Today, Eliav is leading Infinitude to specialize in digital marketing, system development, strategic planning, integration, and automation. Eliav recently graduated with a Master's degree in Philosophy.  

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Eliav and Infinitude are talented marketing strategists! They clearly and concisely explained their vision for our recruitment strategy, and we not only walked away with specific new language and materials, but also with a better understanding of how to engage our audience moving forward. Under their guidance, we saw increased numbers and excellent community response. To work with Eliav and Infinitude is to invest in your organization and grow your outreach!

Samara L.

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